
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Five Animals War Throughout History

1. The Navy Dolphins

The dolphins with sea lions help the U.S. navy in the sea patrol since the 1960s. Fins of dolphins that have biological sonar is a sophisticated tool to search for mines on the concept of echolocation. Dolphins will send a series of signals that bounce go back to him. These marine mammals will report on their command (human) use specific responses. The watchdog will follow up by sending back the response of dolphins to identify location of objects with a line of buoys. Leveraging the dolphins as a sapper was performed when the Persian Gulf war and the gulf war in Iraq. Navy dolphins have helped clean up the Port of Umm Qasr in southern Iraq. Dolphins can also scan for enemy spies sent by the sea. But the U.S. Navy denied rumors of a dolphin training to use weapons when fighting human.

2. The War Elephants

The largest land mammals that live on this earth has been leave traces in the war as forces being able to destroy the enemy. Elephant can trample down the army, pierced with their fangs and even remove people with trunk. May be the government of ancient India make the tame elephants to be a battle tank first time. But this practice soon spread to Persia in the Middle East. Alexander with the greeks faced an enemy of elephant  when they try conquer of the world. Carthaginians and Romans use elephants in war at any given time. Horse scared of the elephants, and the army men also have to deal with the psychological terror of facing the big animals. Elephants can go to with fear or pain after the advent of artillery on the battlefield to end them.

3. The Military Mules

Mules play an important role in the history of the war, because it can carry or pull a lot of things like food, weapons and other equipment needed by the army. Birth from the male donkey and female horse. Mules preferable to carry the load for greater durability. Mules are also more intelligent and not stubborn. In ancient Roman times, a mule will assist 10 soldiers. Napoleon Bonaparte was riding a mule across the Alps alone, in addition of using other animals. U.S. army using more of 571,000 horses and mules  in Europe during World War I, and lost about 68,000 mules. Even now, the U.S. Special Force, Marines and soldiers rely on these animals to maintain supply lines to remote posts in the mountains of Afghanistan.

4. The War Dogs

The involvement of dogs in the war had long since held. Even the dog is used to protect the important people as the giver know if came an attack from the opponent or if there is an enemy spy. In the Romans, dogs fitted shirts specifically, in Spain also imposed armor shirts for the South American invasion in 1500. Recently, the U.S. military has trained dogs for bomb detection to work in Iraq and Afghanistan. And dogs also features anti bullet vest.

5. The War Horse

Horse plays an important battle in the war, even when compared with other animals. Humans can menjinakan horses since 5500 years ago. War in Kazakhstan involving the majority of horses. So also the battle of ancient Egypt, China and other nations. Infantry forces established in each country always involve horses in the team.

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