
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Five hidden facts of the Javan Rhino

 Javan Rhino, endangered species remaining in Indonesia

The only species of the world's rarest rhinos that found only in Indonesia is the one-horned rhino or the Javan rhinoceros (rhinoceros sondaicus) . Besides elephants and buffalo, the land animals that often are associated with strength is the Javan Rhino. With a stocky body, horns and physical well strong, rhino indeed appear convincing as physical primed animals. But this one is actually saving animals hidden facts. What? Read the following reviews:

1. Their body are small
Javanese Rhinos have an average height 1.4 feet -1.6 feet with a body length of 2 meters-3, 5 meters plus horn 30 cm. This is relatively small compared with India rhino with height 1.75 meters 2 meters, a length of 3 meters-3, 8 meters, 60 cm horns, African white rhinoceros (height 1.5 meters-1, 8 meters, 3.8 meters long -5 meters, and the horn 1.37 meters), and the African black rhino (height 1.4 meters-1, 6 meters, the length 3meter-4 yards, and the horn 70 cm).

Their body are small

2. The number of remaining very little
Currently, the population worldwide is expected to live 55 tails, 50 tails in Ujung Kulon National Park / TNUK and 5 tails in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam. Javan Rhino fit into one of the five rhino rare among five endangered species in the world, so it makes "red list" The World Conservation Union (IUCN) categories of critically endangered / critically endangered.

The number of remaining very little

3. Physical and temperament so typical
Javanese Rhinos have a little unique of physical and character. Despite his valiant (average weight 900 up to 2300 kg with a body length of 2 meters to 3 meters), but the Javan rhinoceros have ears and small eyes, short legs, and soles of hind feet are smaller than front feet. He is also quite shy animals and are happy to live alone. His horn only one, and grow very little at the female rhino. His body has a blackish-gray color.

Highly distinctive physical and temperament

4. Had lived in various regions in Java Island
Javan Rhino is estimated previously lived on the island of Sumatra and Java, among others have been found in Wonosobo (1833), Nusakambangan (1834), Mount Slamet (1867), Tangkuban Perahu (1870), Mount Ciremai (1897 ), Mount Papandayan (1881), and so on. But ultimately, the habitat was best for him since 1921 until now in the Ujung Kulon National Park is located in the District of Sumur and Cimanggu, Pandeglang district, Banten Province.

Had lived in various parts of Java Island

5. Part of the prehistoric creatures
An instance of the Java Rhino Ceratotherium animals that live in an age of Pliocene and Miocene, at age Dicerorhinus (they lived about 25-10 million years ago), and Brontothores Trigonas Oligocene in age (both lived about 35-25 million years ago) , and Perissodactyl in Eocene times (lived about 50-45 million years ago).

Part of prehistoric creatures

Currently the Javan Rhinoceros was endangered species, and only waiting for the right to vanish from the face of the earth if it does not get the serious protection.

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