
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Puncak Jaya the highest mountain in Indonesia

Puncak Jaya on the mountains Jayawijaya
Puncak Jaya is the highest mountain in Indonesia at 4,884 metres or 16,024 ft above sea level, and the highest of Oceania and the 5th highest mountain in Southeast Asia. Puncak Jaya is located at the top of the mountain Jayawijaya.

Jayawijaya Mountains is the name for the mountain range that stretched lengthwise in the center of the province of West Papua to Papua New Guinea on the Papua island. Rows of mountains that has some the highest peaks in Indonesia is formed by removal of the sea floor thousands of years ago. Although located at an altitude of 4800 masl, fossilized sea shells, for example, can be seen in limestone and clastic rocks contained in the Jayawijaya Mountains. Therefore, besides being a paradise of the climbers, Jayawijaya Mountains is also a paradise researchers geological world.
Jayawijaya Mountains is mountain in Indonesia which has a peak covered with eternal snow. Although not all peaks of the cluster Jayawijaya Mountains that has snow. Snow is owned by several peaks even at this time is lost due to climate change globally.

According to geological theory, originally the world has only a continent called Pangea at 250 million years ago. Continent Pangaea split into two by forming Laurasia continent and Eurasian continent. Eurasian continent burst back into the continent Gonwana who would later become the mainland of South America, Africa, India, and Australia.

Very intensive precipitation occurred on the continent of Australia, plus the occurrence of plate collision between the Indo-Pacific plate with the Indo-Australian on the seabed. Plate collision resulted in the island arc, which also became the forerunner of the islands and mountains in Papua.

As a result of the appointment process is continuous, sedimentation and tectonic events along the sea bottom, within a period of millions of years of producing such high mountains can be seen today.

Evidence that the high mountains of New Guinea and was once part of the deep seafloor can be seen from the fossil remains in rocks Jayawijaya.
The West Papua is a province in Indonesia located in the western part of New Guinea. The capital is Manokwari. The name of the province formerly Irian Jaya, and later changed to Papua.

These provinces include areas of bird heads Guinea and islands around it. To the north, the province is bordered by the Pacific Ocean, the western border with the province of North Maluku and Maluku province, bounded by the eastern Gulf of Paradise, south of the Seram Sea and the southeastern border with Papua province.

This province has a tremendous potential, be it farming, mining, forestry and tourism. Pearls and seaweed resulted in Raja Ampat, while the only traditional industries called ikat fabrics are produced in the district of East South Sorong. Fragrant nutmeg syrup can be obtained in Fak-Fak regency as well as various other potentials.
Besides the natural attractions also become one of the mainstays of West Irian Jaya, such as Paradise Bay National Park is located in the Gulf Wondama district. The park stretches from east to north island Peninsula Kwatisore Rumberpon with 500 km long coastline, vast land reaches 68 200 ha, 1.3853 million ha of sea area with details of 80,000 ha area of ​​12,400 ha of coral reefs and oceans.

Besides, recently, discovered a cave that is claimed as the world's deepest cave by a French speologi expedition team in Lina Mountains region, Kampong Irameba, district of Anggi, Manokwari District. This cave is estimated to reach a depth of 2000 meters. Mountainous area in West Papua's natural wealth remains a mystery that needs to be revealed.