
Monday, June 20, 2011


Jaguar is an independent and powerful predators

Jaguar is the biggest cat in South America, they live scattered in American continent, but now they are only found in some remote areas.

They often roam around the southern tip of the northern continent into areas adjacent to the US-Mexico border. Currently their number is very significant. Jaguar can only be found in remote areas in South and Central America, especially in the Amazon basin.

Unlike other big cats, jaguars do not avoid the water, in fact, they are a pretty good swimmer. Rivers provide prey of fish, turtles, or small caiman (small animal like alligator). Jaguars also eat larger animals such as deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs. They sometimes climb trees to set up an ambush, killing their prey with one powerful bite.

Jaguar mostly coloured brown or orange with distinctive black spots like a rose. Some of the Jaguar is looked so dark it clean, although their signs only can be seen on closer inspection. When viewed from a distance, they look a lot like a leopard.

Jaguar is a beautiful and powerful predator. Jaguars live alone and defines the area of ​​square miles by marking a lot of waste or clawing the trees.

Jaguar female can give birth to 1-4 cubs, which are still blind and helpless at birth. The mother lived with them and protect them from attacks the predators animals or other animals that want to approach it, even their own fathers. Jaguar young learn to hunt when still living with their mother for two years or more.

Until now, jaguar is still hunted because they have beautiful feathers and interesting. Farmers also often kill them because these big cats sometimes prey on their livestock. They attack their prey on livestock because many of their prey in the forests were hunted and also because some of the losers of them in the competition in the forest.

Jaguar need serious protection from all parties, to save these big cats are beautiful and rare of the extinction.


  1. i like watching animal planet on TV.. success for you. :)

  2. Wow.. ini binatang yang paling aku idolakan :D ckckc.. mantap :D

  3. as i know jaguar is faster runner animal ever born on earth,,, catcht it for me?? hohohohoho

  4. this aimal, at my vlilage called " macan tutul"

  5. saya merasa jaguar binatang yang keren ketika dulu jaman SD saya nonton serial Mogli *kalo gasalah di TV tapi ya ngeri juga sih kalo deket2 haha

  6. thanks for your visit all my friends
